What About KEYS?

KEYS – a simple word. Yet complex in its meaning.

Amidst the complexity of the Hong Kong real estate industry, KEYS aim to redefine and restructure the traditional real estate business model.

For the last few decades, the real estate business in Hong Kong has been dominated by international agencies and influenced by major local players. In keeping up with the frenzy of the fast-paced movement and transactions in the market, the real estate agents – who form the backbone of this thriving business - have been pushed into what is considered ‘acceptable’ market practices.

It is likely that the industry will continue on in this pattern, but we believe that in order for the industry to grow healthily and endure the pressures of the business, there is a need to close the gap between agencies and their agents, whether it is in commission split, information sharing and fair market practices. KEYS was formed to provide a platform for real estate agents to get a fair reward for their hard work.

At KEYS, we encourage an environment of best practices in providing excellent services to our network of buyers, tenants and landlords. Our agents are fairly incentivised to co-share information and listings, and co-work with other agents inside and outside the KEYS network. The result of such practices is an efficient transfer of information, which in turn offers our clients more choices at a quicker pace, further leading to successive transactions for the agents. In short -it’s a clear win-win-win situation that benefits the client, the agent and our company.
